Saturday, September 8, 2012

Work Out of the Day

Here is my workout today. It is mainly accessory work for arms.

Disclaimer: These workouts were designed for me and are not meant to be used by others as they focus on my weaknesses and you each may have different needs.

Mobility Warm Up and Foam Rolling

Bench press:
10 x 73lbs
10 x 73lbs
10 x 73lbs
10 x 73lbs

SuperSet #1

Incline Dumbbell press
10 x 20lbs
10 x 20lbs
10 x 20lbs

Dumbell Curl to Overhead Press
10 x 10lbs
10 x 10lbs
10 x 10lbs

Tricep Press with plate
10 x 15lbs
10 x 15lbs
10 x 15lbs

SuperSet #2

Overhand Lat Pulldown
7 x 60lbs
7 x 60lbs
7 x 60lbs

Underhand Lat Pulldown
7 x 60lbs
7 x 60lbs
7 x 60lbs

Face Pull
10 x 60lbs
10 x 60lbs
10 x 60lbs

Superset #3

Bent Over Dumbell Row
10 x 20lbs
10 x 20lbs
10 x 20lbs

10 x 3lbs
10 x 3lbs
10 x 5lbs


10 x 65lbs
10 x 70lbs
10 x 70lbs

Toe Touches
3 sets of 10

Reverse Crunch
3 sets of 10

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